suasana Sekolah Sore Infest Yogyakarta

Sekolah Sore: Social Analysis, Alignment, and Identification of the Roots of Social Problems

Current lecturing standards do not provide much learning space for students to know and fully understand the situation, dynamics and variety of social problems that surround them. The jargon of students as agents of change needs to be questioned, while many universities are increasingly uprooted and distant from social problems...

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Women Involved in Budgeting in Banjarnegara

Banjarnegara – The existence of the Women’s School (Sekolah Perempuan) in Gumelem Kulon Village, Susukan District, Banjarnegara, convinced Arif Machbub, the village headman to focus more on the improvement of public facilities in the mountainous area. “I think this is the key to the successful of the development of this...

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Perempuan Paling Rentan Terpapar Racun Pestisida

Oleh: Alimah Fauzan* “Mengerikan”, setidaknya demikian istilah yang dapat menggambarkan ekspresi para ibu di desa saat mendengar cerita tentang dampak penggunaan pestisida bagi perempuan. Cerita tersebut bukan sekadar karangan atau pun mengada-ada, namun hasil penelitian dan pengalaman pendampingan yang telah dilakukan oleh ibu Rosana Dewi. Rosana Dewi atau yang akrab...

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Women of Gumelem Kulon Village Advocate for Health Insurance for Coconut Farmers Based on Local Welfare Data

Of approximately 2,800 coconut farmers in Gumelem Kulon, 74 have been registered as recipients of regional health insurance assistance (Jamkesda). The fate of coconut farmers (penderes) is a particular concern for women who are members of the Sidaluhur Sejati women’s organization in Gumelem Kulon village, Susukan sub-district, Banjarnegera regency. Advocacy...

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