Empowering Migrant Workers through Citizen Journalism

Insights from INFEST recent visit to Biltar and Ponorogo Regency by Aoife Connon During a recent visit to Biltar and Ponorogo Regency, INFEST Yogyakarta conducted presentations and community training on citizen journalism for migrant workers affiliated with Komunitas Pekerja Migran Indonesia (KOPI). This experience provided valuable insights into the collaborative...

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INFEST Holds the Migration and Development in Blitar and Ponorogo

INFEST held a knowledge management training on labour migration in Ponorogo Districtfrom 8-9 March 2023 and in Blitar District from 15-16 March 2023. The training forum was attended by Indonesian Migrant Workers Community (KOPI) activists and village administrations from five villages in Ponorogo and five villages in Blitar. From the...

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Foto: Salah seorang pelajar SMK di Wonosobo aktif saat sesi tanya jawab berlangsung. Sumber: Dokumentasi Yayasan Infest Yogyakarta 2022.

INFEST Yogyakarta Foundation supports the Forum of Counselling Teacher in Wonosobo by holding MGBK EXPO 2022 titled “Realise Your Dream!”

In increasing the participation of Vocational High Schools (SMK) to prevent exploitative recruitment practices, since the beginning of 2022 the Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies (INFEST) Foundation had been running a program to strengthen the capacity of SMK teachers in the Wonosobo District. This program was...

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