Foto: Salah seorang pelajar SMK di Wonosobo aktif saat sesi tanya jawab berlangsung. Sumber: Dokumentasi Yayasan Infest Yogyakarta 2022.

INFEST Yogyakarta Foundation supports the Forum of Counselling Teacher in Wonosobo by holding MGBK EXPO 2022 titled “Realise Your Dream!”

In increasing the participation of Vocational High Schools (SMK) to prevent exploitative recruitment practices, since the beginning of 2022 the Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies (INFEST) Foundation had been running a program to strengthen the capacity of SMK teachers in the Wonosobo District. This program was...

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Pelatihan Prinsip Kerja Layak untuk Guru SMK

Training the Decent Work Principles for SMK Teachers in Wonosobo District

The INFEST Yogyakarta Foundation collaborated with the Wonosobo Regency Education, Youth, and Sports Agency (Disdikpora) to organise a “Decent Work Training for Vocational School (SMK) Teachers in Wonosobo Regency, Central Java.” This activity is part of the program “Promoting the Role of SMK in Preventing Exploitative Recruitment” in Wonosobo Regency,...

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Coordination the Program of the Strengthening of SMK to Prevent Exploitative Recruitment in Wonosobo District

On Thursday (16/6/2022), the Lembaga Kajian untuk Pengembangan Pendidikan, Sosial, Agama, dan Budaya (INFEST) Yogyakarta Foundation coordinated the Strengthening Vocational High Schools (SMK) Program to Prevent Exploitative Recruitment. The program is a collaboration between INFEST Yogyakarta Foundation and the Office ofEducation, Youth, and Sports (Disdikpora) with the support of the...

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