Susun Cetak Biru Pelindungan PMI, Infest Yogyakarta Rangkul Pemerintah dan CSO di Negara Asal hingga Tujuan

Senin, 2-3 Desember 2019, Infest Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan Lokakarya Perumusan Cetak Biru Pelindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia di Daerah Asal dan Nasional. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh perwakilan beberapa organisasi pekerja migran, perwakilan pemerintah dan perwakilan dari Asosisasi Perusahaan Penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (ASPATAKI). Workshop diselenggarakan di The Jayakarta Hotel merumuskan beberapa hal...

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Voice of Migrants (VOM) encourages migrant workers to engage in wise social media practices for their safety while abroad

Voice of Migrants (VOM) Hong Kong held a celebration with a traditional Javanese rice cone ceremony called “tumpengan” and conducted a Public Discussion with the theme “Wisely Engaging in Social Media.” The event took place on Sunday (27/10/2019) at the Grand Building, Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong. This marked the...

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Cegah PMI Terjebak Ekstremisme Kekerasan, Infest Latih Instruktur PAP Uji Coba Modul Pencegahan Ekstremisme Kekerasan di Kalangan PMI

Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies (Infest) Yogyakarta mengadakan “Training of Trainer (TOT) Modul Pencegahan Ekstremisme Kekerasan untuk Instruktur Pembekalan Akhir Pemberangkatan (PAP)”. Pelatihan yang dilaksanakan di Surabaya pada Kamis-Jumat (24-25/10/2019), ini melibatkan 25 instruktur perwakilan dari Loka Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan TKI (LP4TKI) Surabaya, Pos Pelayanan...

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Preventing Extremism and Violence among PMIs” infest Engages the Government and CSOs

The Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies (Infest) Yogyakarta once again collaborates with the government and several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) concerned with Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) issues. The spread of religious-based violent extremism remains a serious problem in the world, including Indonesia. The spread of this...

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Mapping data-based shared issues

Infest Design “Safe Travel” Content and Modules for the Prevention of Extreme Violence for Migrant Workers in Destination Countries

The Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious, and Cultural Studies (Infest) Yogyakarta designed a module to prevent extreme violence for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in their destination countries. In addition to designing media content for the campaign to prevent extremism, Infest also designed module content and content, for the “Safe...

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