Infest Choose Blitar, Ponorogo, and Johor Bahru as a Learning Sites for Migrant Worker Protection

This year Infest Yogyakarta began initiating a protection model for migrant workers. This initiation is not only being carried out in Indonesia, but also Johor Bahru, Malaysia. The program implementation phase has now reached the process of selecting which villages will be used as the location for implementing the program. The selection...

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Infest Yogyakarta Initiate the Migrant Worker Protection Model from the Village Level

At the beginning of 2018, the Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies (Infest) began preparing a strategic plan for implementing the program “Strengthening the Protection of Migrant Workers in the Country of Origin and Placement Destination Countries”. This program is also part of the Infest Yogyakarta’s contributions...

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Mengawal Perbaikan Layanan Publik dari Desa hingga Kabupaten

“Orang-orang biasa seperti kita, jika ada masalah tidak bisa menyelesaikannya sendirian, termasuk masalah layanan publik. Tapi jika penyelesaian masalah tersebut dilakukan secara bersama-sama, maka perubahan perbaikan layanan akan berhasil.” (Mujtaba Hamdi, 13 Oktober 2015). Banjarnegara. Suasana balai Desa Gumelem Kulon tiba-tiba hening sejenak setelah Mujtaba Hamdi atau yang akrab disapa...

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