Preventing Extremism and Violence among PMIs” infest Engages the Government and CSOs

The Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies (Infest) Yogyakarta once again collaborates with the government and several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) concerned with Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) issues. The spread of religious-based violent extremism remains a serious problem in the world, including Indonesia. The spread of this...

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Mapping data-based shared issues

Infest Design “Safe Travel” Content and Modules for the Prevention of Extreme Violence for Migrant Workers in Destination Countries

The Institute for Education Development, Social, Religious, and Cultural Studies (Infest) Yogyakarta designed a module to prevent extreme violence for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in their destination countries. In addition to designing media content for the campaign to prevent extremism, Infest also designed module content and content, for the “Safe...

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