Infest Afternoon School Program (Sekolah Sore)

Infest (Institute of Education Development, Social, Religious and Cultural Studies), as a civil society organization that has been working independently since 2009, has a vision to improve the quality of services for citizens’ rights, democracy, and strengthening the capacity of civil society groups. This vision manifests itself in 2 (two) core programs, namely the Migrant Workers Resource Center (PSDBM) and Improvement of Village Governance (Sekolah Desa). Both core programs have been implemented in various schemes including research, mentoring and capacity building, as well as innovation, and the development of various information technology platforms to support better social change in the community.

Infest’s long period of work on the issue of migrant workers and villages eventually resulted in a variety of information technology resources, methods and infrastructure. In order to optimize the use of these resources, in the final three months of 2017 Infest will hold an “Sekolah Sore” program. This program will target students and social activists in Yogyakarta, and will be a way of bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds with the “core” and social work visions of Infest Yogyakarta. The Infest “Sekolah Sore” program is also considered an Internship Scholarship Program for students and social workers in Yogyakarta, as over a period of three months, the Infest mentorship team will provide capacity building for both issues (village and migrant workers), as well as supporting technical capacity such as data journalism, knowledge management, photography and videography, graphic design, and techniques for being reliable facilitators.

During the “Sekolah Sore” Program, after joining various capacity building sessions, participants will be invited to collaborate with the mentoring team from Infest to develop missions related to mainstreaming issues (villages and migrant workers) and innovating management of knowledge resources. This three month process is expected be beneficial for “Sekolah Sore” participants, giving them new knowledge and perspectives on villages and migrant workers. In addition, the presence of “Sekolah Desa” participants as volunteers is expected to benefit village activists and migrant workers, because the issues of villages and migrant workers will be the main topics discussed during program implementation.


  1. Optimization of Knowledge Resources, Media and ICT Infrastructure at Infest
  2. The existence of potential activists who can be involved in Infest’s work and programs in 2018
  3. Mainstreaming issues of village governance development and protection of migrant workers managed by Infest

How to apply for Sekolah Sore?

  1. Fill in the registration form (until 8 November 2017), for the form CLICK HERE
  2. Send Curriculum Vitae and recommendation letters (can be from lecturers, parents, leaders of organizations / communities, friends, etc.) handwritten and scanned, and send to
  3. Send one example of writing (can be an essay / report / story) to

Program Schedule and Stages

A. Registration Phase

  1. Selecting participants process  5-8 November 2017
  2. Interview process 10 November 2017
  3. Announcement process11 November 2017

B. Strengthening the Knowledge of Village Issues and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers

  1. Introduction to Infest Yogyakarta (13 November 2017)
  2. Introduction to the Issue of Migrant Workers (Session 1): Facts about Migrant Workers vs Regulation (14 November 2017)
  3. Introduction to the Issue of Migrant Workers (Session 2): Dissecting Migrant Worker Cases (15 November 2017)
  4. Introduction to the Issue of Migrant Workers (Session 3): Analysing Migrant Worker Cases (16 November 2017)
  5. Technical Knowledge Class: Data Journalism (18 November 2017)
  6. Introduction to Village Issues (Session 1): New Villages vs Old Villages after the Village Law (UU Desa) (20 November 2017)
  7. Introduction to Village Issues (Session 2): Challenges and Opportunities in Village Development (21 November 2017)
  8. Introduction to Village Issues (Session 3): Innovative Room for Village Empowerment (22 November 2017)
  9. Knowledge Management Class (24 November 2017)
  10. Introduction of Work Tools and Mentoring Methods at Infest (27 November 2017)

C. Internship and Assistance Phase

  1. Preparing Mission and Action Plan: Mainstreaming Issues and Resource Management (PSDBM and Village Schools) (1 December 2017 to 27 January 2018)
  2. Compilation of Learning (Book and Documentary Video) 27-31 January 2018

Conditions of Sekolah Sore Ingest

  1. Participants will not be charged (free)
  2. Have interest in village issues and Indonesian Migrant Workers: Participants are final semester students (preferably those who have completed their courses) and social activists who have interests in village issues, protection of migrant workers, media management, and community assistance, with age between 19-35 years.
  3. Time and attendance commitments: Participants are willing to attend the entire series of “Sekolah Sore Infest” programs for three months (from November 2017 to January 2018).
  4. Willing to work in a team: In addition to interacting with fellow participants, during the “Sekolah Sore” program,  participants also interact with mentors and teams from Infest.
  5. Engage in voluntary activities: Participants in the “Afternoon Afternoon School” program are willing to be involved in voluntary activities related to the issues of village governance development and protection of migrant workers.

What are the advantages for Sekolah Sore participants?

  1. Obtain the latest knowledge regarding village issues and the protection of migrant workers
  2. Obtain technical knowledge such as data journalism, photography and videography, social media management, information technology, etc.
  3. Chances to be recruited and work with the Infest Team