Prog_PSDBMThe Migrant Worker Resource Center is a source of service and support for mainstreaming the issue of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BMI) through the management of information and knowledge. With this support, migrant worker activists can communicate with each other and exchange information with fellow migrant workers, families, associations of migrant workers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government institutions.

The Migrant Workers Resource Center was formed in 2010 by the network of Mahnettik Community Technology Centers (PTK) initiated by the TIFA Jakarta Foundation, the Panca Karsa Association of West Nusa Tenggara (PPK), the Nahdlatul Ulama Human Resources Research and Development Institute (LAKPESDAM NU) Cilacap, I- Work Yogyakarta, Dian Mutiara Women Crisis Center (DM WCC) Malang, Center for Women’s Resource Empowerment (PPSW) Pasoendan, Migrant Workers Association and Women (Perkumpulan Peduli Buruh Migran dan Perempuan) Seruni Banyumas, and Infest Yogyakarta as the PSD-BM coordinator.

In addition to providing information and knowledge sharing activities through, Infest also developed PSD-BM to, among others; introduce an information access approach to advocacy for the network of migrant workers in Indonesia and Hong Kong, campaign to support the revision of Law 39 of 2004, and supervise PPTKIS / PJTKI through the development of the PantauPJTKI web application.

Migrant Worker Resource Center Focus:

  1. Infomobilization and knowledge management for mainstreaming the issue of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BMI).
  2. ICT Development Support and working tools for the advocacy of migrant workers.
  3. Strengthen the capacity of migrant worker communities.