Since March 2010, Infest Yogyakarta have managed various programs, both organized independently and with the support of donor agencies or government agencies. These activities embody the ideals of Infest to strengthen democracy, improve the quality of public services and strengthen the capacity of civil society.

Some of these activities include:


Strengthening the capacity of the network of Indonesian Migrant Workers Organisations and Communities, in information management regarding Advocacy of Migrant Worker Issues. 

Donor: Yayasan Tifa

Partners: Lakpesdam NU Cilacap, Seruni Banyumas, Iwork, PPSW Pasundan,


Strengthening Information Content for Indonesian Migrant Workers.

Donor: Yayasan Tifa

Partners: JRK Cirebon, Seruni Banyumas, Lakpesdam NU Cilacap.


1. Development of One Stop Indonesian Migrant Workers Portal for Migrant Workers Information Channels.

Donor: Yayasan Tifa

2. Development of a Support System for the Supervision and Mainstreaming of REDD + in the Central Kalimantan Region

Donor: Partnership

Partners: Pokker SHK Kalteng

3. Organisation of the South Java Festival, to strengthen Village Government Capacity and Improve Village Governance — Village Building Program —

Donor: Yayasan Tifa, Partners, APJII, XL-Axiata (ID BLog Network),

4. Jogja Goes Open Source

Donor: Yayasan Air Putih – Hivos

Partners: Yayasan Air Putih, Ubuntu ID sub-locco Jogjakarta, KPLI Yogyakarta


1. Strengthening Information Access for Indonesian Migrant Workers through the Use of Public Information Disclosure

Donor: Yayasan Tifa

Partners: Seruni Banyumas, the Union of Indonesian Migrant Workers (SBMI), Lakpesdam NU Cilacap; Jingga Media Cirebon;

2. Monitoring PPTKIS through Online media Monitor PJTKI

Donor: Yayasan Tifa dan DFAT Australia

3. Development of Information Technology support for Rural Creative Industries;

Donor: Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemenristek)


1. Strengthening Access to Information for Migrant Workers in Origin and Placement Countries

Donor: Yayasan Tifa

Partners: the Union of Indonesian Migrant Workers (SBMI), Jingga Media, Lakpesdam NU Cilacap, SBMI Kerawang.

2. Strengthening the Capacity of Teachers in the area of Yogyakarta in Development of Media for Learning to Utilize ICT. 

Donor: Titian Foundation and Reach Out To Asia (ROTA) Qatar Foundation.

Partner: KPLI Yogyakarta



1. Improving Village Governance through Strengthening Women’s Groups and Utilizing Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Donor: Australian Government through Advancing Women’s Program for Poverty Alleviation (MAMPU);

Region of Work: Poso, Malang, Banjarnegara, Takalar, Wonosobo

2. Strengthening Access for Indonesian Migrant Workers to Justice and Information

Donor: Yayasan Tifa

Region of Work: Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, Wonosobo and Banyumas.

3. Capacity Building for Village Governments To Move Towards Independent Villages

Donor: Conocophillips

Region of Work: Musi Banyuasin, South Sumatera


  1. Strengthening Community Group Participation in the Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of Development at the Village Level, through Appreciative Village Planning Approaches.

Donor: Making All Voices Count (HIVOS)

Region of Work: Tebo (Jambi), Cirebon, Wonosobo

2.Capacity Building for Village Governments To Move Towards Independent Villages

Donor: Conocophillips

Region of Work: Musi Banyuasin (South Sumatera)

3. Access to Development for Poor Communities

Donor: TIFA

Region of Work: Klaten, Wonosobo

4. Monitoring of Environmental Management and Potential Risks of Development 

Donor: Caritas

Region of Work: Trenggalek, Banyuwangi, East Kalimantan (Samarinda)



  1. Strengthening Community Group Participation in the Planning, Implementation and Monitoring of Development at the Village Level, through Appreciative Village Planning Approaches.

Donor: Making All Voices Count (HIVOS), Banjarnegara District Government.

Region of Work: Tebo (Jambi), Banjarnegar (Jawa Tengah)

2. Capacity Building for Village Governments To Move Towards Independent Villages

Donor: Conocophillips

Region of Work: Musi Banyuasin (South Sumatera)

3. Appreciative Planning of Village Development

Donor: INFEST Yogyakarta

Region of Work: Wonosobo, Malang



1. Strengthening the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers in the Village and National Levels

Donor: AWO International

Region of Work: Blitar, Ponorogo, Johor Baru (Malaysia)

2. Formulation of the Prevention of Violent Extremism for Female Migrant Workers in the Pre Departure and in Destination Country Processes

Donor: UN Women

Region of Work: Jakarta, West Java, East Java, Malaysia, Hong Kong