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Empowering Migrant Workers through Citizen Journalism

Insights from INFEST recent visit to Biltar and Ponorogo Regency by Aoife Connon

During a recent visit to Biltar and Ponorogo Regency, INFEST Yogyakarta conducted presentations and community training on citizen journalism for migrant workers affiliated with Komunitas Pekerja Migran Indonesia (KOPI). This experience provided valuable insights into the collaborative efforts between NGOs and communities, highlighting the potential for positive change and empowerment through upskilling communities to communicate their experiences as migrant workers. INFEST Yogyakarta demonstrated a strong commitment to empowering migrant workers, offering them a platform to share their stories and advocate for their rights effectively.

Engaging Presentations and Training

The presentations and training sessions were designed in an engaging and collaborative manner to ensure active engagement and knowledge retention among the migrant workers. The trainers employed a participatory approach, encouraging the participants to actively involve themselves. They shared practical techniques for citizen journalism, including essential reporting skills, ethical considerations, and the use of digital tools to amplify voices. The participants expressed enjoyment and frequent laughter, indicating the rapport built by INFEST with the local KOPI groups. INFEST identified that their sense of engagement and enjoyment experienced by the community was vital in sustaining attendance and active engagement for future sessions.

Empowering Migrant Workers

INFEST recognized the importance of providing a platform for migrant workers to share their stories and address relevant issues. By equipping them with the necessary training and resources, INFEST enabled members of the local KOPI groups to become citizen journalists, capable of raising awareness and advocating for their rights effectively. Focusing on these skills is instrumental in empowering individuals engaged in the training to actively participate and communicate on issues and events that directly concern them.

Building Strong Community Bonds

The visit showcased the strong bond established between INFEST and the migrant worker community. The NGO actively sought input and feedback from the workers, ensuring their voices were heard and valued. This collaborative approach fostered a sense of ownership and empowerment among the participants, allowing them to contribute actively to the initiatives. As part of the collaboration, INFEST representatives guided the participants in posting their articles on a dedicated website, providing them with a platform to share their work with a broader audience.

The experience provided valuable lessons on the power of community engagement and the significance of empowering marginalized groups. INFEST’s work exemplified the effectiveness of equipping individuals with the necessary tools and skills to tell their own stories and advocate for change. The role of NGOs as facilitators and enablers in this process became evident, highlighting their ability to empower communities towards a common goal. The delivery of presentations and community training on citizen journalism to migrant workers reaffirmed the potential for positive change when communities and NGOs collaborate.

The visit to Biltar and Ponorogo Regency with INFEST Indonesia showcased the transformative power of citizen journalism and community empowerment. INFEST’s commitment to empowering migrant workers and providing them with a platform to share their stories and advocate for their rights exemplified the potential for collective action and positive change. This experience emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts between NGOs and communities in striving towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

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