The Special Job Exchange (BKK) is a unit in secondary education units, higher education, and job training institutions which provide job placement services to alumni. In the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 39 of 2016 concerning Manpower Placement, article 31 states that in addition to work placements carried out by the government and private institutions that are legal entities, manpower placement services can be carried out by Special Job Fair (BKK). This was conveyed by Riyanto, S.Sos, a staff the Office of Manpower, Industry and Transmigration (Disnakerintrans) of Wonosobo Regency in a discussion entitled “Understanding the Roles and Responsibilities of BKK in Job Placement Services for Vocational High School Graduates” on Tuesday, 11 October 2022.
In his presentation, Riyanto explained that BKK has a role and service function in providing information on job vacancies, distribution, and placement of workers for graduates. In addition, BKK also established cooperation between schools and the business and industry sectors (DU/DI). “For schools, BKK strengthens the relationship between the education and business sector as well as the recruitment of graduates into the job market. For its graduates, BKK provides services and access to the workplace without being profit oriented as part of the dharma of education,” explained Riyanto.
In the legality aspect of establishment, explained further, the BKK is formed and determined by the head of the education unit and then registered with the local District/City Office. After that, the head of the service will record and issue a registration mark. This registration certificate is valid as long as the BKK is active in organizing the placement of workers in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.
For personnel, BKK at least has personnel who handle labour market information, counselling, and guidance, as well as job placement. For labour market information, BKK should ideally have data on labour demand and availability. This includes the number and competence of job seekers as well as position qualifications in job vacancies. Counselling and guidance are tasked with providing information about the conditions of the world of work as well as guidance to choose a field that is in accordance with the interests and competencies possessed. Meanwhile, job brokerage has the task of bringing job seekers together with employers until a working relationship is created.
Regarding the ban for BKK, Riyanto quoted Permenaker Number 39 of 2016 which states that BKK is prohibited from placing workers outside of its alumni and/or workers abroad. According to Riyanto, for work placements abroad, BKK can cooperate with Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Companies (P3MI). Meanwhile, regarding work placements outside alumni became a hot discussion. Tri Sumarni,
BKK administrator from SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Wonosobo was often contacted by graduates of other SMKs to access job vacancies. The same thing was conveyed by Indariyati, the manager of the BKK SMK Gema Nusantara Wonosobo.
“Often, graduates from SMK ask us about job vacancies. We often recommend contacting the BKK from the school first. There are times when the school’s BKK is not very active or unresponsive when contacted,” explained Indariyati.
Responding to this, Riyanto did not argue and understood that conditions on the ground were often far from ideal. In the context of Wonosobo District, graduates often contacted BKK from other SMKs to access job vacancies. “In Wonosobo, there is such a thing as the BKK Communication Forum which was formed and agreed upon by all school principals. So, SMK graduates can access and register job vacancies through this BKK forum,” explained Riyanto.