Prevention of extremism for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) is not only carried out for migrant workers who are already in their country of placement. Potential PMI candidates who are still in their home country also need to be equipped with knowledge about radicalism and extremism so as not to be exposed to these. Seeing the importance of this, Infest Yogyakarta together with UN Women held a “Workshop on Extremism Prevention among Women Migrant Workers in the Country of Origin”, on Friday and Saturday (19-20 / 10/2018).
The event, which was held at the Swiss Belboutique Hotel Yogyakarta, involved several speakers, namely from the National Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers (BNP2TKI), the National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT) and the Indonesian Islamic State (NII Crisis Center). In addition, participants from several Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI), Solidaritas Perempuan, Migrant Aid, Lakpesdam NU, Yayasan Satu Dunia and Yayasan Inklusif were included. As an institution that organizes Final Departure Debriefing (PAP) and plays a role in the debriefing process of prospective migrant workers, Infest Yogyakarta also invited PAP instructors from the Indonesian Placement and Protection Service Center (BP3TKI) Bandung, BP3TKI Jakarta, BP3TKI Semarang and Post for Service, Placement, and Protection of Indonesian Workers (P4TKI) Malang.
In the opening of the workshop, Ridwan Wahyudi, Infest Yogyakarta Program Manager, engaged the participants by recounting the previous workshop held by Infest Yogyakarta together with UN Women to prevent radicalism among migrant workers. Ridwan also said that migrant workers can be provided with provisions on preventing radicalism and extremism through the PAP process, but for this purpose, the materials must be formulated first.
“Up until now, material on radicalism and extremism have not been standardized and are taken from the initiative of the individual BP3TKI work unit or instructor. Through this workshop, we will formulate together what material will be delivered to the PAP for the prevention of radicalism and extremism for prospective migrant workers, “said Ridwan Wahyudi.
After the introduction from Ridwan Wahyudi, Sukanto from the NII Crisis Center spoke of his experience in an extremist group and his decision to leave the group. He also spoke about the genealogy of extreme and radical groups in Indonesia. Teuku Fauzansyah, International Cooperation Analyst at the BNPT Directorate of Prevention, explained the precautions taken by the BNPT against radicalism. Meanwhile, Sri Andayani, Head of Sub-division of PAP and Financing Facilitation, Directorate of Preparation and Debriefing Department, explained the opportunities for the introduction of radicalism material in the PAP by reducing other material.
“BNP2TKI can reduce the hours of study on customs materials to one hour and then add to the material on personal mental state. In that mentality we can add materials about preventing radicalism, “said Sri Andayani.
The next session was conducted through group discussions and focused discussions, which resulted in a draft for writing modules to prevent extremism and radicalism for migrant workers in their home countries. Besides this, the workshop also produced two areas of origin of migrant workers that were agreed on as pilot projects at the time of implementation.